In one of our most recent ballroom weddings, “Who is the Bride?” game was featured and enjoyed by all the guests. This was the first time Aloha Bridal Connections have ever come across this fun and exciting game. “Who is the Bride?” is a guessing game, where the groom is blindfolded, a group of preselected people come up and offers their hand, and the emcee asks the groom, “Who is the Bride?” What made this so fun was that the groom had no idea that this was going to happen!

In this case, the emcee was actually close friends with the couple, so his comments were very funny and entertaining. “You’ve been together for 11 years, let’s see how well you really know your wife!” The preselected group of contestants were: The groom’s mom, the bride’s boss, an uncle, the couple’s daughter, the bride, and for a plot twist… the bride’s twin sister!


First up was mom, right off the bat the groom just says, “No.” The crowd laughs at his short blunt answer. Remember, the groom is blindfolded and doesn’t know who the contestants are! The guests all got a kick out of seeing his reactions to contestants hands and arms that were either too small, too big, or too manly. But what was really funny was when we brought up the bride’s twin sister and he hesitated and really debated if this was his wife. He eventually decided it wasn’t and then moved on to the last contestant, the bride.

When he felt his wife’s hand and arm, he wasn’t certain that this was her, but he had a strong feeling it could be. Everyone laughed when he thought to himself out loud, “It could have been the other one!” The emcee suggested a kiss to confirm whether or not this was his wife. You could read the groom’s worried face that he may have to kiss someone other than his wife. In all fun and games, everyone laughed and a quick peck on the lips sealed the deal. “Yes! This is my wife!”

Even though he was right, the emcee and the bride wanted to have a little more fun with the groom… The bride stepped back, and the emcee brought her twin sister in front of the groom. “Okay, take off your blindfold!” The groom’s face was priceless when he saw that his sister in law was standing in front of him. The emcee reassured him that he did in fact kiss his wife and not his sister in law. This was a very fun game to share with all the guests.