This is a story that I feel should be shared with the world, the incredible journey of soul mates and proof that true love exists. It’s the story of my Grandparents and the last 70 years of their marriage.

They started off as high school sweethearts in Wisconsin where he was raised as a farmer and she was a hard working schoolgirl. At 17 years of age, Pearl Harbor was attacked and my Grandfather was off to war. Their romance continued and they kept in touch via US Mail. She wrote constantly, “his letters were few and far between, but I waited. It was hard to wait because I was writing him all the time, but I was so happy when they’d come.”

A few years later my Grandfather was severely injured and sent to Tripler hospital on Oahu. My Grandmother visited shortly after she heard the news. During her visit, my Grandfather asked her how much she makes an hour at her current job and she proudly responds with “$90 a month”. He asks her, “Well, how would you like a $40 a month raise? As my wife, you’d get a military allowance of $130 a month while I am in the hospital an you’d get to be with me too!”. She replied with a smile and an “OK!”.

It might not be the most romantic proposal but it makes for a great story to tell! 70 years later they’ve raised 5 children, owned several businesses across the United States and their love for each other has grown with each year.

Recently, my Grandfather was diagnosed with cancer and given a few short months to live. During this time is when I was able to see the love they share for each other on a deeper level. They truly set an example for how to love your best friend, partner and soul mate through every high and every low that life offers. Even in his weakest days he would say to her “oh honey, I’m so tired.”  She responded with, “do you want me to let go of your hand?”. Papa replied, “honey, I will sit here as long as you would like to hold my hand.”  They both smiled at each other and held hands in silence.

He passed away peacefully last week and I’ve been able to reflect on what a wonderful romance they shared and the incredible legacy they created. They are the reason I believe that soul mates exist and true love  perseveres. They are why I love what I do. They give me the belief and support that everyone has that special someone and I love more than anything to be a part the day that declares the beginning of forever.

old couple love

picture credit: Pinterest