For anyone that has been to a wedding, wedding toasts and speeches are just about mandatory! Whether they are to tug at the heartstrings, wish the couple luck, or to flat-out embarrass them in front of all their guests, bridesmaids and groomsmen have a lot to think about when preparing for this big moment. We’ve put together our 5 tips for a killer wedding speech!

1. Humor: A little laughter is a key to everyone’s heart, especially if you feel the need to break the ice! Chances are, as anyone but the bride and groom, you may not know the majority of the guests at the wedding. Adding a joke or two to start off will surely get everyone smiling and ready to hear your toast.

2. Balance: Wedding speeches can always fall on the side of really funny (in the case of most Best Men toasts), or rather emotional (from the Maid of Honor). A good balance of both will make sure your speech is memorable and keep the mood light.

3. TMI: Although some memories of the couple can be so fun to share, make sure Grandma’s ears are ready for it! The last thing you want is to give the crowd a little more information than they were expecting!

4. 5 Minutes: Five minutes is the perfect amount of time for a genuine speech. Too short and you may not say everything you hoped to, and too long… well, those can drag out a bit!

5. Well Wishes: The best wedding speeches leave the couple with a few laughs, a few tears, and some great advice or well wishes for their future together. Be unique and heartfelt, and the couple will always remember it!

As a last tip, don’t forget your glass! Many times, wedding speeches are done at a podium or at the front of the crowd, and more times than not, toasting glasses are forgotten at the table!

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